TEGAM Inc. 1372A

AC Ratio Transformer Calibrator, Automated, Turnkey

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. F8820AC02-R-47F-060-C

Five year maintenance repair and Standard Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. F8820AC16-R-47F-024-D

Two year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8820AC08-R-47F-036-D

Three year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8820AC12-R-47F-024-D

Two year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F19

Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 50 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F21

Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 50 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F27

Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 50 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9010BU-F09

Frequency upgrade from 7 to 44 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F25

Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 50 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F05

Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 50 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9020BU-F12

Frequency upgrade from 13.6 to 44 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104A-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004A-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102A-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104B-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

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Tektronix RSA5BUP-B16XHD-25

High dynamic range, 165 MHz acquisition bandwidth. From 25 MHz BW, hardware,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks
